First registration in the Netherlands (Eerste inschrijving in Nederland)

Are you intending to live in the Netherlands (again)? In that case, you are obliged to register at the town hall of the municipality where you will be living.

- Conditions (Voorwaarden)

You may register with a municipality if you live legally in the Netherlands; this is called legal residence. Your residence in the Netherlands is legal in the following cases:

  • you have Dutch nationality
  • you are a national from another country in the European Union
  • you have a legally valid residence permit
  • you are permitted to await the decision on your application for a residence permit in the Netherlands
  • You must register with the municipality in which are you staying if you are in the Netherlands for at least four months of a six-month period. In that case, you must report to the municipal authorities within five days of your arrival.

Other nationals (Personen met een vreemde nationaliteit)

In some cases, you will need an authorisation for a temporary stay (machtiging voorlopig verblijf) or a residence permit (verblijfsvergunning) from the Immigration and Naturalisation Service (Immigratie- en naturalisatiedienst, IND).

- The procedure (Gang van zaken)

To make an appointment, you will need to contact the municipal authorities in Waalwijk by telephone.

Contact the municipal authorities. Make sure you contact them within five days of your arrival in the Netherlands.

- Bring (Meenemen)

  • Valid proof of your identification.
  • A travel document or another document from which your nationality is evident.
  • If you were born abroad: a birth certificate. Your birth certificate may need to be authenticated. Please ask the municipal authorities about it.
  • Documents which reveal your personal status, such as a marriage certificate, a certificate of registered partnership, a divorce certificate or a certificate stating that the marriage was dissolved following the death of your partner. Those certificates may need to be authenticated. Please ask the municipal authorities about it.
  • If you are from the former Dutch Antilles: a certificate of de-registration from the population register (bewijs van uitschrijving).
  • Documents that prove you live here, such as a lease, a title deed or statement from the main occupant of the premises.

Authenticating documents (Legalisatie van documenten)

Foreign documents such as birth certificates, marriage certificates and divorce certificates sometimes need to be authenticated. Authentication means that the authenticity of a document is verified. In such cases, the document must be authenticated by a competent authority in the country of origin; in some cases, the Dutch embassy or consulate in the relevant country will also need to authenticate the document. Whether you need to have your document authenticated or not and how you should proceed depends on the country in which the document was issued. Please ask the municipal authorities whether authentication is necessary.

- Tips (Tips)

After registration, your name and details will be incorporated in the Persons Database (basisregistratie personen). Your personal details will be shared with associated authorities who use the Persons Database. If you would like to know which authorities have access to them, please visit

If you come from the European Union and want to work and live in the Netherlands, a brochure in different languages will give you a brief description of all the necessary actions you must take after your arrival. From registering with the municipality where you live, your rights and obligations as an employee or self-employed person, to the rules and customs of living in the Netherlands

- Legislation (Wetgeving)

Wet basisregistratie personen (The Persons Database Act)

- Contact


Opening hours

 - Making an appointment (Afspraak maken)

We want to be able to help you properly so please make an appointment in advance so that we can provide that product or service.

To make an appointment, please ring the municipality’s Customer Service Centre (Klantcontactcentrum) (0416-683456). They will immediately arrange an appointment for you or put you through to staff who can.

Please check the opening hours in advance.

- Please also see (Zie ook)