Reporting emigration (Emigratie doorgeven)
If you intend to move from Waalwijk to a place abroad (emigration)? Or will you be living abroad for at least eight months in the coming year? Please notify the municipal authorities. You must report this move five days before you leave. If no one remains at the address in Waalwijk, you can report your emigration online.
Reporting emigration using DigiD
- The procedure (Gang van zaken)
You can also report your emigration in person or by filling in a form.
- Bring (Meenemen)
Reporting your move by filling in a form (Verhuizing schriftelijk doorgeven)
You can also fill in the removal form and send it to the municipal authorities. That document is available on this page under “Documents”.
Reporting your move at the municipal desk (Verhuizing bij het gemeenteloket doorgeven)
Is anyone remaining at your old address? In that case, you cannot arrange the move online; you will need to make an appointment. All underage children who are moving with you must accompany you to the appointment if one of the parents is not moving abroad.
If you want to report the move in person to the municipal authorities, please bring:
- Valid proof of identification of all the persons who are moving with you.
- Your new address details; it is important to provide the correct address details of the address abroad.
- Background (Achtergrond)
Who may report a move? (Wie kan de verhuizing doorgeven?)
- You, if you are aged 16 or older.
- A parent or guardian, on behalf a child living at home aged 15 or younger.
- Spouses and registered partners may report each other’s move if you are both moving from and to the same addresses.
- A guardian for persons who have been placed under guardianship.
If you are cohabiting with your partner, you cannot report your partner’s move. You will both need to fill in a removal form.
- Tips
Certificate of de-registration from the population register (Bewijs van uitschrijving)
Some countries, including the Dutch Antilles and Belgium, require you to submit a certificate of de-registration from the population register (bewijs van uitschrijving) before you may live there. The municipal authorities will only issue a certificate of de-registration when you actually report your move to the desk and if your departure date is also on the same day. After that, you can apply for one from the Register of Non-Residents (Register niet-ingezetenen, RNI) in Breda.
A certificate of de-registration from the population register will be issued free of charge.
- Legislation (Wetgeving)
- Contact
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